Adonai Art Designs, LLC Artists
Bob Spence

For years Bob has “doodled” designs during telephone conversations and meetings, not to mention classrooms during his school years. He would doodle on 3x5 cards using colored markers. He absent-mindedly stacked the cards on the corner of his desk. Then in 2007 his wife, at the urging of a friend and neighbor framed a set of the card designs and displayed it. When people saw the framed set, they wanted to buy their own set.
As word spread about Bob’s doodles, people expressed an interest in seeing the designs in larger formats than 3x5 cards. With the support and encouragement of many friends, Bob began “doodling” in larger formats with the 8x10 inch size becoming the most popular.
Bob formed two brands, Bob's Doodles and Spence Expressions, and then a company, Adonai Art Designs, LLC, to market and sell his “doodles,” now under the category, abstract art. The designs are varied, colorful, geometric formations in a random style with a feeling of motion.
It is interesting to note that all of Bob's designs are done free hand. He sits down with markers and paper and then does the designs without the aid of straight edges or other devices. And, these are what a good friend of Bob's calls, "expressions from his heart." When Bob sits down with markers and paper, he will tell you that he has no idea what he is going to design. It comes from his heart and is spirit driven. Bob is available for private art showings and presentations.
Personal Testimony: My art career began quite recently, and at the age of 62, one wonders why now? I do not have any formal art training, and my preparation has been only that of being a doodler as long as I can remember. In response to the question, “why now?”, only the Lord knows. It is His time and He is in control. I have wrestled with Him for the past several months, trying to convince Him I was not an artist. He saw otherwise.
My designs are spirit inspired and spirit driven. I am God’s vehicle to express these feelings in art. Without Him I cannot produce these works. I have followed the Lord’s direction all my life, believing as written in Proverbs 16:9, in his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. I have tried to do as we were taught, which is to pray without ceasing, which means; talk to the Lord throughout the day (pray) and include Him in your thoughts, plans, and desires. The Lord gave me the name of my company,
Adonai Art Designs during one of our discussions. He is directing this whole effort and I am doing my best to be a good steward, glorify the Father, and introduce people to Jesus.